Compostable market news

USA develop a new bio-based material sourced from natural food waste and organic starches

Last July 2020, BGUSA, INC announced that they have solved the much-disputed argument of ridding the Earth of single-use plastic bags by a special material. The newly developed material for these bags is called fibrous amylum (FAL). It is 100% bio-based material sourced from natural food waste and organic starches with no artificial ingredients and no petroleum-based chemicals. BGUSA is the only company in the world with this technologically advanced organic material.

These bags burn like paper with no toxic fumes. They turn into a tissue-like paper with a warm vapor that smells like wood.. And, marine life, humans, and animals are not harmed if these bags are accidentally ingested. These bags are water-resistant. Having the same advantage of traditional plasc tic bags,The BGUSA bags have an electric dissipative feature (suitable for electronic wrapping) along with an anti-static feature-dust repellent, oxygen-barrier corrosion prevention, and oil/grease resistance. They dissolve in hot water (70 degrees C) and soften in the water at room temperature.

Besides, BGUSA’s bags compost in yards or landfills in <90 days. When the bag composts, what is left of the bag enriches the soil, and thus returns nutrients to the ground.

After a strict testing process, the product received ASTM D6866 certification, which is considered one of the highest certifications for compost material and other international certificates such as ASTM D6400, ASTM D5338, ISO 20200, and OECD 208. Now, the bags are manufactured in various sizes from a produce bag up to trash bags. BGUSA is the only company distributing this type of bag composition in the U.S./Canada region.

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